Stores have dropped their mask requirements but some retailers and grocers still offer senior shopping hours.
Customers who are vaccinated against Covid-19 can shop without a mask in Kroger, Walmart, Target, Costco and more retail chains, the companies announced.
Proof of vaccination is not be required from customers or employees, but all will be expected to voluntarily wear a mask if they have not been fully vaccinated.
Senior Shopping Hours
The status of a reserved time for senior shopping is officially unchanged at most stores except for Costco. Here are the senior shopping hours and mask policies currently in force at major shopping chains, but they are subject to change.
Senior Shopping: Aldi’s has reserved the first hour of business on Tuesdays and Thursdays for seniors and other shoppers most vulnerable to Covid-19. At most Aldi’s the first hour is 8:30 to 9:30 am but you can find and confirm details for your store at: Aldi’s Locations. The chain is also offering curbside pickup at many locations. More details are at: Aldi Senior Shopping Hours.
Mask Policy: Aldi’s no longer requires all customers to wear a mask.
“Face coverings are required for unvaccinated customers and employees, and where required by state or local jurisdictions.,” Aldi’s said.
BJ’s Wholesale Club
Senior Shopping: All BJ’s Wholesale Club locations have a senior shopping hour from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. Monday through Saturday for shoppers ages 60 and older. More details are at: BJ’s Senior Shopping Hours. You can confirm the senior shopping hours at your location by visiting: BJ’s Location Details. Details for each BJ’s location show the senior shopping hours.
“All BJ’s Wholesale Club locations are opening one hour early from 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Monday through Saturday for members age 60 and over to shop in a less crowded environment,” BJ’s said.
Mask Policy: Starting May 15, 2021, BJ’s no longer requires customers to wear a face mask. For more details visit: BJ’s Coronavirus Policy

Senior Shopping: Costco has a senior shopping hour but it will end on July 26, 2021, the chain announced.
Since early 2020, Costco has reserved the shopping hour from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., Monday through Friday for members ages 60 and older, and people with disabilities. Starting July 26, the retailer will resume its normal operating hours, and the reserved hour for seniors will no longer be available.
For more details and the official announcement see: Costco COVID Updates
Mask Policy: As of May 14, 2021, Costco has removed its mask requirement for (a) customers that have been vaccinated, and (b) localities that do not have a mask requirement.
Senior Shopping: CVS has set aside 9-10 am Wednesdays as the shopping time reserved for seniors and other high-risk individuals. This is in effect at most CVS stores but there are some exceptions as listed at: CVS Senior Hours
Mask Policy: CVS has dropped its mask requirement for (a) customers that have been vaccinated, and (b) localities that do not have a mask requirement. For more details see: CVS Mask Requirement
Dollar General
Senior Shopping: Dollar General stores have reserved their first shopping hour every day for senior citizens. This is usually 8-9 am but will vary by location.
“We’re dedicating the first hour of every day to our senior customers so some of our most vulnerable neighbors have the ability to get the things they need during less busy shopping periods,” the retailer said. For more details see: Dollar General Senior Shopping Hours
Mask Policy: Dollar General requires customers to wear a mask.
Dollar Tree
Senior Shopping: Dollar Tree stores have reserved their first hour for at-risk customers, including senior citizens, individuals with pre-existing health conditions, and pregnant women. At most locations this is either 8-9 am or 9-10 am. For more details see: Dollar Tree Senior Shopping Hours
“We continue to dedicate the first shopping hour to our at-risk customers, including senior citizens, individuals with pre-existing health conditions, and pregnant women,” Dollar Tree said.
Mask Policy: Dollar Tree requires customers to wear a mask.
Family Dollar
Senior Shopping: Family Dollar stores have reserved their first hour for at-risk customers, including senior citizens, individuals with pre-existing health conditions, and pregnant women. At most locations this is 9-10 am For more details see: Family Dollar Senior Shopping Hours
Mask Policy: Family Dollar says the are following guidance from the CDC on masks.
Food Lion
Senior Shopping: Food Lion has senior shopping hours on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7 a.m. – 8 a.m. For more details see: Food Lion Covid-19 Actions
“All Food Lion stores will welcome customers who are 60 and older or who are immunocompromised on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. to shop,” Food Lion said.
Mask Policy: Food Lion does not require customers to wear a mask unless local regulations require it.
Fresh Market
Senior Hours: Fresh Market has reserved the first shopping hour of 8 AM – 9 AM on weekdays for seniors and other individuals most at risk.”
“On weekdays the first shopping hour of 8 AM – 9 AM will be reserved for seniors and other individuals most at risk as identified by the CDC. We ask that our other guests who do not fall into a higher risk category respect this reserved hour,” Fresh Market said. For more details see: Fresh Market Covid-19 Actions
Mask Policy: Fresh Market recommends but does not requires customers to wear a face mask.
Harris Teeter
Senior Shopping: Harris Teeter has senior shopping hours from 6-8 am on Monday and Thursday mornings. Harris Teeter also opens its Pharmacies at 7 a.m. every Monday and Thursday, the chain announced.
Harris Teeter is also designating Express Lane Online Shopping pick-up times from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. for seniors only every Thursday. The company will waive the $4.95 fee and offer $5 delivery (normally $10) for seniors during these times. For more details see: Harris Teeter Offers Senior Shopping Hours
Mask Policy: Harris Teeter no longer requires customers to wear a mask.
Senior Shopping: Kohl’s has a senior shopping hour from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Wednesday. “We’re opening early every Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. for our customers who are age 60+, who are pregnant or who have underlying health conditions,” Kohl’s said in a June 29, 2021 update. More details are at: Kohl’s Senior Shopping Hours.
Mask Policy: Starting May 17, 2021, Kohl’s no longer requires customers to wear a face mask. For more details see: Kohl’s Coronavirus Policies.
Lowes Foods
Senior Shopping: Lowes Foods has senior shopping hours from 7 to 8 am on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. “We are here to serve you from 7am to 9pm daily. We strongly encourage everyone to help us dedicate from 7am to 8am on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to Seniors and those who are more vulnerable to the virus (including those with compromised immune systems, pregnant women, and those with underlying health issues,” the grocery chain said. For more details see: Lowe’s Covid-19 Actions.
Mask Policy: Lowe’s does not require customers to wear a mask.
Senior Shopping: Publix no longer has a senior shopping hour.
“Publix stores are now open daily from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., and the pharmacy has returned to regular operating hours.
“With our newly expanded hours, we have suspended reserved shopping hours. We do understand some customers prefer to shop when the stores are less crowded. We encourage you to shop during the first hour of the day, when we can better accommodate that need,” Publix said.
Mask Policy: Publix has dropped it requirement that customers to wear a face mask.
“In accordance with U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance, face coverings are optional for fully vaccinated individuals inside Publix stores unless required by a state or local order or ordinance,” Publix said. For more details see: Publix Coronavirus Policies
Sam’s Club
Senior Shopping: Sam’s Club has early shopping hours every Tuesday and Thursday from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. for seniors and those with disabilities or compromised immune systems. In addition, first responders and healthcare workers are welcomed for special shopping hours on Sundays from 8 a.m. – 10 a.m. For more details see: Sam’s Club Senior Shopping Hours.
Sam’s Club has curbside pickup at most locations.
Mask Policy: Sam’s Club has dropped its mask requirement and has the same policy as Walmart.
Senior Shopping: Target has a senior shopping hour on Tuesday mornings. At most Target stores, the first hour, either 7 to 8 or 8 to 9 am, is reserved for senior citizens and others who are especially vulnerable to Covid-19.
To confirm the senior shopping hours at your local Target visit then click on Store Info. You should see “Reserved for Vulnerable Guests” store hours.
Mask Policy: Target has dropped its requirement that customers wear a face mask.
“Given the CDC’s updated guidance, Target no longer requires fully vaccinated guests and team members to wear face coverings in our stores, except where it’s required by local ordinances. ” Target announced.
Trader Joe’s
Senior Shopping: Trader Joe’s has begun to remove their senior shopping hours. To find out if your local Trader Joe’s has a senior hour, visit visit then click on your store to see senior shopping hours.
Mask Policy: Trader Joe’s has removed its mask mandate for customers who have been vaccinated, CNN has reported.
Senior Shopping: Senior shopping hours at Walmart are only on Tuesdays. At most stores the Tuesday senior shopping hour is 6-7 am. Walmart said its pharmacies and vision centers will also be open during this time. For more details see: Walmart Senior Shopping Hours
Walmart also has a Pickup hour reserved for seniors every day and an in-store senior shopping hour on Tuesdays. Senior pickup hour is 7-8 am daily. You can reserve a time slot for pickup at: Walmart Grocery Pickup
Mask Policy: Fully vaccinated customers and associates do not need to wear a mask inside Walmart stores.
Whole Foods
Senior Shopping: Whole Foods has dropped its senior shopping hour at most locations. To check the shopping hours at your local Whole Foods visit then click on your store to see senior shopping hours, if available.
Mask Policy: Whole Foods has dropped its requirement that customers wear a face mask.
“Effective May 19, 2021, in accordance with guidance from the CDC and state or local mandates, customers who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 are welcome to shop in our US stores without a mask. We request that individuals not fully vaccinated please continue to wear a mask,” Whole Foods announced.
CDC Mask Update
The CDC issued new guidance May 13, 2021 to say that fully vaccinated people need not wear a mask.
“Fully vaccinated people can resume activities without wearing a mask or physically distancing, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance,” the CDC said.
For more details visit the CDC Website.
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